A brief announcement that starting 2021, the price of CryptoConvert Pro will be increasing to $2.99 USD.

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, and a lot has changed in a very short time. One benefit of spending several months in strict quarantine this year is that I’ve been able to spend loads of time working on CryptoConvert. Recently I took some time to review exactly how much the app has changed since the start of the year.

Before 2020, CryptoConvert was still a very simple currency exchange rate calculator. It had a few interesting features and had a simple design, but it was seriously lacking any real useful functionality outside of being handy as currency converter while traveling or as a quick reference guide for price data (which wasn’t much better than a simple Google search, but at least it worked offline).

I’ve always had plans to expand CryptoConvert into something better, and 2020 was my year to make it happen. Since the start of 2020 and all throughout quarantine, I’ve been working to add new features like the Extended Info screen for each currency with additional price data and relevant links.

I’ve expanded the cryptocurrency support from over 1,000 currencies to now over 5,000 – and the app will continue to change alongside the market landscape from here.

As the plans for CryptoConvert expanded, I added a navigation drawer to allow people to easily switch between all the different new feature pages that were on the way. One of the first new features that launched with this update was the “Currency Catalog” that allowed you to directly view the full list of currencies in the app and easily manage your favorites list or get to the extended info (without going through the price calculator’s multimode), and the Settings page was also overhauled here.

The app also received support for marking particular currencies as “stale” – which means that their price data has not been refreshed recently, which gives users a better understanding of which prices are unreliable when it comes to strange altcoins.

CryptoConvert also received a new feature page – Movers & Shakers. This page was designed to give users a way to view the market at a holistic level to see which currencies were changing in value the most across a selected time period (1d, 7d, 30d, etc).

Lastly, with the release of the latest update v4.05, CryptoConvert finally has a Portfolio feature. This feature allows you to enter any of your real life cryptocurrency holdings into the app and easily track their values over time. It even allows for you to keep track of your average purchase price for each cryptocurrency, which will be able to tell you the total return metrics since acquisition.

CryptoConvert Portfolio Tracker

In summation, 2020 completely changed CryptoConvert as an app. It was a fantastic year of growth and because of it, I’ve decided to increase the price of the premium edition of the app, CryptoConvert Pro.

Starting January 1st, 2021, the price of CryptoConvert Pro will be increased from $0.99 to $2.99.

The price of CryptoConvert Pro had been $0.99 since it’s launch in March 2018, but I realized that the 2020 version of CryptoConvert has become many orders of magnitude better as an app since then. Because the app’s functionality and value have changed so dramatically, I felt that a price change to reflect this was necessary.

CryptoConvert Pro is still a one-time purchase (not a subscription), so once you own the premium edition of the app you own it for life. The lite version of the app CryptoConvert Free will of course remain completely free, but it still won’t have any of the CryptoConvert Pro benefits like access to the settings, unlimited portfolio currencies (free is limited to 5), full access to the Movers & Shakers analytics, and of course no distracting advertisements.

At the time of publishing this post, there is still almost a full month left before the price change takes effect. This is because before I change the price of the app, I want to make sure that anyone who was on the fence about upgrading to CryptoConvert Pro could still have a chance to do so before the price increases in 2021.

Long story short if you were considering purchasing CryptoConvert Pro, now’s your chance to buy it at the lower price of $0.99 before the price increases to $2.99 starting next year.

The last thing I have to say with this announcement is a big thank you to all of my users who have helped shape the app over the years through your ratings, feedback, and emails. The app wouldn’t be what it is today without you, so thank you very much for supporting the project. I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the year!

– Mitch @ MNM Applications


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