Scratch-Off Guide for Vermont Lottery


App Icon for (VT) Vermont Lottery Scratch Off Guide

VT Scratch Guide

The newest state in my series of lottery scratch-off applications is now live on Google Play and the Amazon App Store. Introducing the Scratch-Off Guide for Vermont Lottery.

If you are unfamiliar with my series of Lottery Scratch-Off Guides, they are tools that help you make a more informed decision when buying scratch-off lottery tickets. Each app is for a different state and will show you an organized list all the available games to play.

Each game is listed with all of the major available information about it. This includes things like the name, price, top prize amount, number of jackpots remaining, a picture of the ticket so you can find it in-store, and even the original number of jackpots available so you can see how “claimed” a given game is.

Vermont Scratch Off Guide Screenshot

The main feature of the app is it allows you to sort the list of available tickets across all of those metrics so you can easily compare them. Additionally, you can filter down the list by ticket price which allows you to compare only the tickets that cost the same amount.

How would you use this information? One example is if you frequently play lottery scratch-off games, you would probably want to know if the $5 game you usually buy has 0 jackpots available to win – when another $5 game still has 20/20 unclaimed jackpots.

The iOS versions of these lottery scratch-off apps are still unavailable at the time of writing this, however I hope to have them published sometime this coming year.

Have any feedback? Let me know with a review, or reach out to me directly and let me know what you think.


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